My Group's Opening Sequence - 'Double Edge'

The Preliminary Task

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evaluation Q6

6.) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I learnt a lot about technology in the process of constructing our opening sequence. The software we used was CS3 Adobe in which we used Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere Pro to help use get the look we wanted. We even tested out some of the software on the Imac such as Soundtrackpro and Livetype – but eventually decided we liked what we had just sticking with the PC’s programmes. The camera we used was Canon HD mini DV, which helped us to get the clear image we were looking for. To get the best sound quality we used an external microphone attached to headphones so the person monitoring sound levels could be sure we’d pick up no background before we began filming. I soon found out that it was essential for the camera to be completely still when filming, and any unwanted movement becomes a lot more obvious when you get to the edit suite. Therefore we ensure our camera was on the tripod for all of the steady shots. We used many different techniques in editing most of which I was not familiar with so had to learn as I went along. Capturing our footage is particularly useful because, although it is quite time consuming it broke all of our footage down from one long section, into the different shots. This made editing far more organised and manageable. Another editing technique we found useful was the use of speed duration. We had not filmed our shot of the purse on the table with the photo in it for long enough, and so when people watched it they were missing this significant shot. We found that as there was no movement in the shot, we were able to slow it down, without it looking any different.

In the industry they have better technology than we do at school, therefore we are at a disadvantage, as we were creatively limited. The main aspect is that they can do a lot better special affects because of better technology, making their production more interesting and unique. Although our group is all very happy with the finished product there were some problems along the way. On one of our shoots we forgot the headphones therefore could not tell is we were picking up any background noise. Fortunately one of our actresses had some high quality headphones so we used them. In addition to this although we had used the basic technology before, it had been a long time so some member of the group had forgotten how to use it. Nevertheless it was not long before we go back into it. Also because we has a camera and tripod as props in our piece we had twice as much equipment as other groups which made portability a bit of an issue.

To Summarise Key Learning:
· I learnt how to use in detail key technologies: Cannon HD mini DV camera and CS3 Adobi.
· If we were to do it again I would want to experiment more with effects to make it look more professional – such as more interesting titles.
· My advice would be try to get the best quality and continuity you can whilst filming to create less work for yourself during editing. Leaving more time to experiment with effects